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Testimony of a client, Sonia J. from the Laurentians, who sprained her foot, and how by using her UL-3510 tablet, she regained her well-being!

Testimony of a client, Sonia J. from the Laurentians, who sprained her foot, and how by using her UL-3510 tablet, she regained her well-being!

Article Word Count: 184

Sonia bought a UL-3510 tablet, and tells us about her experience...


I am going to tell you that I sprained myself and my knees are bleeding because I fell yesterday I put on my medallion, the pencil, the zapper and I put my ankle on the plate since yesterday 4:00 p.m. and today I can walk on it yes it's blue gray but I can walk I thought I needed a crutch and I walk around with a cane


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Question from Sonia:

If I put the plate below my knees will it have an effect on the top of the knee?

Orgo-Life answer:

There are two ways to use your UL-3510 corporate charging plate, by putting it below the knee or above it, under the plate it's negative side, it removes bad energies while charging with new energy the place where it is placed. Over the plate it pushes and charges or new energy while transmuting bad energy, best to try both over the knee and below the knee and really see which will work best for you.


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