- Using Orgo-Life Technology in Agriculture or gardening is a win -win situation
Agricultural production - Vegetable production - Horticulture - Permaculture – Landscaping
Increases production yield.
Increases plant size.
Increases the quantity of flowers, fruits or vegetables obtained, all in harmony with the surrounding ecosystem.
Increase in the nutritional value of the food obtained.
Propels the plant in an optimal environment so that it offers more of the properties specific to each of your plants (for example, carvacrol in the production of oregano is sought after in the culinary and therapeutic arts)
Obtaining an ideal vibratory frequency resulting in a perceptible visual dynamism of the plant.
See your flowers and fruits become radiant with life.
Taste quality:
- Accentuates the taste quality of each edible vegetable.
- Definitely improves the taste and voluptuousness of your food, making it more desirable
Catering – Culinary industry – Gastronomic art – Raw and living food
- Increase in vitality and nutritional intake of cooked or raw meals. (We know that even if your food is of a higher quality, it still results in a loss of nutritional quality as soon as the food is separated from its mother plant. We can perceive a vibrational frequency which decreases during transport and storage time.Thanks to the ORGO-LIFE 5G & EMF QUANTUM EQUALIZER TECHNOLOGY® you will allow all your food to return to a preferable frequency of 15 Hz, thus improving the quality of your culinary dishes.
- Energizes your dishes in order to obtain an ideal vibratory frequency resulting in a perceptible visual dynamism of your food.
- Prolonge définitivement la durée de vie et de vitalité de vos plats préparés ainsi tous vos aliments.
Taste quality:
- Accentuates the taste quality of each edible plant.
- Definitively improves the taste and voluptuousness of your food, making it more desirable and more lively.