Round Table No 2 Rock Larochelle, Arunda from the Orgo-Life® Company, Quantum Generation 2145 Zappers
Show no. 2 with investigating police officer Rock Larochelle, Arunda from the company (Orgo-Life®)
Weekly or bi-monthly video series with Investigating Policeman Rock Larochelle and Arunda volunteer designer at Orgo-Life.
Show no. 2 with investigating police officer Rock Larochelle, Arunda from the company (Orgo-Life®)
Show No. 1 with Rock Larochelle, Arunda from the company (Orgo-Life) and Céline Chrétien (Authorized depositary)
Phone: +1 (514) 800-8693
231 Sherbrooke Street, #262, Magog
QC., Canada, J1X 3W8