Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness. Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional. The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.
Testimonial experienced with Medbeds Energetic Orgo-Life® treatments and the corporate tablet UL-3619 Orgo-Life®, Brigitte from Quebec. Testimony experienced a real Energy Miracle in her couple and with the cat… Brigitte from Quebec sees the benefits of energy care and the purchase of her corporate size tablet. A lived testimony from Brigitte, QC., who tells us about her experience at Orgo-Life® with her couple, her intimate life and much more….How it completely changed her life.
By working energetically with the tablet at home, it put her life back on the path to well-being with her couple.
Coming in english subtitles soon!