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Cleansing Ritual for the Super Warrior and the Warrior pendants

Cleansing Ritual for the Super Warrior and the Warrior pendants

Article Word Count: 229

How to energetically bless your Orgo-Life® medallion




Before wearing your medallion you must bathe twice with sea salt or the like to cleanse your etheric bodies.

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When this is done take your medallion and with your conscience bind yourself to him, and tell him;

Thank you for coming to visit me in my life, I welcome you and you will be part of me just as I will be part of you. Together we will work with the energy of thought and feeling.


When you speak to your medallion remember that it is sacred and you must have the purest feelings and at the same time as you speak to it, caress it, flatter it, run your fingers over it so that there is contact.

Help me with your vibration and your energy to heal my illness so that I can breathe freely.


Then during the day thank him for what he does for you, always stroking him. When you drop him off in the evening, make him a hotel, a sacred place where he will always go to rest, we drop him off gently and harmoniously.


When you go clean yourself with a bath or shower leave it on his altar,  preferably in your bedroom, the bathroom where you cleaned it, is not an appropriate place for sacred objects.


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